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The EEG background is abnormal in all cases, with generalized or focal slowing.

CAUTION Prominent bi-parietal rhythmic theta right arrow consider epilepsy with myoclonic atonic seizures.


Generalized slow (<2.5Hz) spike-wave and generalized paroxysmal fast activity (≥10Hz) in slow wave sleep are mandatory for the diagnosis of this syndrome. Slow spike-wave is no longer seen by adulthood and therefore may need to be confirmed on historic EEG. There may be focal or multifocal spike- or sharp-waves, with an anterior predominance. Periods of suppression of the EEG may occur.

CAUTION Fast spike-wave (3Hz or higher) right arrow consider other epilepsy syndromes.

CAUTION Spike-wave activation in sleep right arrow consider developmental and/or epileptic encephalopathy with spike-wave activation in sleep.


Hyperventilation (if adequate co-operation) may facilitate spike-wave and atypical absences.

CAUTION If activation with intermittent photic stimulation right arrow consider epilepsy with myoclonic atonic seizures.

CAUTION If photoparoxysmal response at low flash frequency right arrow consider CLN2-disease.


For ictal EEG patterns, refer to individual seizure types.

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