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Mandatory seizures

Myoclonic seizures occur, these are often distal and seen especially on awaking (within 30 minutes to 1 hour of wakening). They can also be nocturnal or random. Myoclonic status epilepticus can occur.

May have

Generalized tonic-clonic seizures are seen in >90% of individuals, these are often preceded by a series of myoclonic seizures that increase in frequency and severity resulting in a clonic-tonic-clonic sequence. Generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus is uncommon.

Absence seizures are seen in one third of cases, these may be briefer (average 3 seconds), less frequent (< daily) and there may be less impairment of awareness than seen in childhood absence epilepsy or juvenile absence epilepsy. During absence seizures with minimal loss of awareness an adolescent can respond to commands but has difficulty doing complex tasks.


Any other seizure type.

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